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A Messy Mess

Is it a mess? I call it Art

So… I’ve committed to writing a weekly blog…

Not sure what that will look like but I have ideas about sharing my everyday experiences as an aspiring mosaic artist. To talk about whatever strikes my fancy. Mostly about what I’m thinking about doing and the process …everything mosaic… Before I can really get into the mosaic art and the work I want to do… I have to get my house in order… literally …

I moved my studio home from B13 August 31st and our house is still in a state of disarray. Most of the mess is confined to our garage and the basement. I’ve been working on cleaning out the spare room and am almost there (except for the closet… which deserves a blog post of it’s own). I’m truly in awe of how much “stuff” I accumulated at the studio! I’m fortunate to have a huge basement that is almost completely dedicated to Jenny May Mosaics. My goal over the coming weeks is to get things cleaned up and organized down there so I have a creative space to work in.

The task seems so monumental I don’t know where to start…. BUT you have to start somewhere so this is my plan.

  1. Invite a few good friends to come over and help me! Asking for help is something I’m terrible at! The reality is with help I’ll get things done quicker. DONE … a few close friends are coming over Friday.

  2. PURGE - PURGE - PURGE!!! I tend to hang on to things because you never know when I might need them for a project. I have to be brutal and get rid of stuff that has been around long enough for me to know it won’t ever get used.

  3. Make my trips count - Don’t go down or come up empty handed! Ha ha… I’ve been doing this since the end of August but really started to stick to it last week and amazingly it’s working.

  4. Take progress pictures - I did this when I moved down to B13 and it took several months before I had things even close to where I wanted them. The retail / gallery space was just about perfect by the time I decided to move everything home … lol. Just reminding myself - it takes time to get things done … the photos help show the changes as I go and in turn helps me know things are moving in the right direction - albeit slowly.

As I’m sure you can tell by this post - the home studio and gallery is a work in progress and will evolve over the coming months. I’ll keep things updated here on my blog and also on facebook and instagram. Stay tuned for #creativespace #studio #everythingmosaic

October 10, 2019